Choosing the right type of training provider

Go-Compare… Apprenticeships

Written by
Tom Rogers

Who would have thought you could compare Apprenticeship Providers? In this day and age, you can do anything. The age of instant-access technology has brought on an evolution in customer loyalty. Or should I say devolution?

Customer loyalty is hard to earn now, as a service provider you cannot always rest on your laurels, hoping that your value-add is going to be enough to keep the customer.

The customer has, at their fingertips, a huge amount of knowledge. They can compare prices, check reviews, and keep up to date with news stories about you.

You might be the cheapest, you might add the most value, but after all that, it could come down to your competitors’ social media presence winning customers. See Ryanair.

This is what gave rise to the comparison website.

You have GoCompare, Which? and Compare the Market (meerkat) among others.

Until recently, finding a training provider was done in two ways.

  1. Word of Mouth - who is your friend using?
  2. The governments Find a Provider service

Word of Mouth advertising is the oldest form of marketing. The government’s site is very much, well, run by the government. It doesn’t work the way it should.

The beauty of comparison websites is that you are looking at a real comparison of price/value without bias.

Sites like GoCompare do not allow for car insurance providers to advertise services they don’t offer, they cannot falsify their offerings at all. Leading to droves of customers using them to remove themselves from the hordes of salespeople looking to manipulate them into a deal.

This is what led to the inception of looking for an apprenticeship provider to partner with deserve access to real factual information free of bias.

Currently they are met with providers artificially boosting their offering to maximise inbound leads through the site.

They are adding standards they do not offer, as well as saying they offer nationwide coverage or block-release when they have no prior history or current resource to be able to.

Now with FATP, they can search for a provider with vetted profiles meaning the location and offering are true to fact.

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Funded Training Provider






Funded Training Provider






Funded Training Provider